Strategic Objectives

1. To raise the level of community's trust in results and outputs of Faculty of Commerce at Tanta University
2. To conduct comprehensive evaluation of educational, social performance at the Faculty and to ratify it
3. To enhance self abilities of scientific departments to make self-evaluation according to required scientific criteria of the Authority
4. To assure trust on the local, regional and international levels regarding the outcomes of the educational process at the Faculty in addition to assurance of education quality, its efficiency and continuous improvement
5. To support and enhance the process of quality assurance in a way that copes with the internal requirements of the Faculty
6. To introduce and integrate a continuous process that combines University's systems of quality assurance and the external processes of revision and accreditation
7. To enhance development of abilities in the area of quality assurance
8. To facilitate and help scientific departments for advancement and applying standard criteria of cooperation academic programs at the regional and international levels with counterpart institutions